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February Edition


As a little kid I'm running around getting all the answers to every thought that crosses my mind. Never knowing some of the questions I was asking myself weren't my own. Coming to realize only now as an adult the questions I was answering in my mind about myself were  actually the questions of someone's thoughts about me. I was receiving the information energetically through heart and processing the energy into understanding. It's still shocking to me now, even having observed this so many times over, Beyond a reason of doubt. It's so foreign from what's socially understood and accepted, but is as it is. I've also come to realize that the questions people wonder about others are not always created by good intent or true curiosity. Some people have realized like I have the influences of thoughts energetically on others but have chosen to use that awareness wrongly. What we speak to ourselves in mind also gets translated emotionally. This is the power of belief. The mechanism of law of attraction. A bridge. Where the words of thoughts turn into it the energy of emotion. This is what I believe the Bible speaks to when it talks Of God giving us the free will to create. What we think in our mind will become a message of energy and at that moment it becomes real. The awareness of The gifts of belief unfortunately get used wrongly. Bridges work both ways belief can manifest dreams or create nightmares. People can pass false messages to energy by believing their own lies. All thoughts create their own individual energetic signature so do all words individually. The characteristic patterns of energy in a word or words can be observed within our emotions. This is the rhythmic language of energy and emotion. To observe this and begin to understand you want to emotionally compartmentalize the different abstract characteristics of a feeling. after observing the different characteristics within the feelings you naturally look to better understand the words Concepts and experiences that create them.

Cause and effect the relationship between the words of brain and the feeling of heart. How the patterns of one interact with the patterns of another. You can take sight from either side the words feelings Create or the feelings the words bring. The best way to travel is to let your feelings do the thinking.

I'm often surprised by the symbolic representation the Mind uses to derive emotional understanding and how some things relate from Feeling to Image Mentally. When I noticed myself being surprised by how certain things are related I can say it's my mind being surprised. It's an Association their mind doesn’t know or wouldn't normally make. but being surprised also shows knowing from a addtional perspective of knowing. where is this discernment coming from if not my mind? This is when the heart show it’s maturity, teaching the brain further how the rhythmic patterns of energy overlap and interact and connect through resonance in ways that arent obvious mentally. This is always a humbling and amazing learning curve. The mind has to trust the heart.

Let your heart lead the way and you'll never be in doubt.

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique

Emotional Freedom technique is a body tapping technique that puts pressure on the pathways and centers of your energy meridians. This releases pressure in your lymphatic system. The pressure gets released through one of the exit points. I've identified three; the ears, nose and throat. The experience of when this happens through the ears is similar to when your ears pop being in high altitude and you clear them. This is air pressure being released from the lymphatic system. When released through the nose you'll feel a small pop and decompression Within it. The throat is experienced as a gargle in the back of your throat feeling The air comes up. When we release pressure in this way it activates the amygdala the fight or flight system in your brain. This sends a signal to the body that it's safe from the decompression. You can observe when this takes place within you when you have an induced deep breath that comes on it’s this process within the brain that has been activated through The decompression of your lymphic System. The centers and Pathways can be found using a traditional Chinese medicine Meridian chart. These centers I found are just \your lymph nodes and the pathways are the lines of the lymphatic system. I haven't been able to find many people that make this association between the lymphatic system and Chinese and other ancient Meridian charts all being the same thing the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is part of the immune system. It keeps fluid levels in balance and defends the body against infections. Lymphatic vessels, tissues, organs and glands work together to drain a watery fluid called lymph from the body. It's also our body’s Energy System that carries energy to all the organs and parts of your body's. The fluid that it passes through The Lymphatic System works to produce energy the same way as the Lay lines of earth work. The movement of the fluid creates friction That friction Creates Heat Which Create Energy or better know as chi or Prana. The lay lines of Earth work the same way They are underwater streams and create energy in the same way That Moves To The Surface. giving us a look at the multiple macro/micro levels of Truth in this created system of energy, That exists in us and within the planet as an individual. This energy created from the body is different than what we would consider The Energy of Our soul. This is a system of the body, This System creates The Feeling of Physical emotion.

When we feel emotions physically it's being created by the movement and pressure of the fluid within the Lymphatic System. having emotions that are high in tension contracts the system and compresses the fluid which creates pockets of air in the system. The air gets pulled in from outside body when the system contracts due to emotional tension. When we tap we release the air pressure and decompress the system.

This is what activates the signal sent to the brain that we are safe The decompression of our lymphatic system. Our bodies are able to balance our inner cavity pressure with the external environment keeping our inner and outer worlds in balance. When balance isn’t kept there's stress.  When we tap we agitate and persuade these trapped pockets of air to rise and release through one of the exits. Ear , nose and throat. Where it's released depends on the area being tapped. this is very important this system runs into all areas and organs of the body a air bubble can block the fluid from having contact and in turn, stop energy from accessing that area of the body. when we tap we allow these pockets of air created through emotional tension to exit our body. Think of it like tapping the side of a bottle of soda and watching the air bubbles rise to the top and release. this system within us is similar to a hydraulic pressure system of energy. we can manually control the pressure within it just by tapping.

I was skeptical when I first heard about tapping and the emotional Freedom technique but it caught the ear of my intuition and I wanted to try it anyways. I'm glad I did because it's been 3 years since and I've tapped every day since. I will keep it as a daily practice for the rest of my life now having realized it's benefits,it makes an incredible difference over time it took me about 3 months of tapping Faithfully before I really could realize the significant positive change it brings physically and emotionally. It also works well for minor aches and pains. coming to realize most pain was just a result of pressure in that particular area. By tapping on and around this area the pressure and pain resided almost 100% of the time.

The emotional Freedom technique is in evidence-based self-help therapeutic method with over a hundred studies that demonstrate its efficiency. I would encourage everyone to make this a daily practice in their life. It's made a significant difference in my Life and know it will do the same for anyone that gives it a chance.

Some Science

Since it's Inception in 1995( EFT space has been in extensively investigated for anxiety and depression. In a controlled study involving University students separated into two groups one told to practice mindful breathing the other two practice tapping EFT reported finding the EFT group to have more significant increases in enjoyment hope and pride.

another study was done by 216 healthcare workers that self-applied tapping EFT for anxiety, depression, pain and Cravings Had reported significant improvements in all of the subjected areas of distress.

Use the chart I've attached to help identify the centers to tap on. When tapping, you want to listen for the way it sounds when you're on a center of Trapped air it will sound hollow like tapping on a drum this will let you know you're in the right spot. Adjusting how hard you tap will also move the air and fluid.

you'll also notice when tapping that the fluid will drain into your stomach. The fluid contains the toxins left Behind from certain foods. I will usually tap before bed for about 10 minutes and periodically throughout the day if a minor pain arises. It's also a good idea to tap After experiencing a situation of high emotional tension. Positive emotions can carry tension Such as Excitment. it's not just a positive or negative understanding of emotions that cause tension.

I hope you'll find this technique and advice to be helpful and experience the incredible change It can make in your life and empowers us all to learn and share more about ourselves.

Happy tapping!

The Significance of Angel Number 1111

Coincidence? Absolutely NOT. . The synchronicities of Angelic numbers are nothing short of Amazing. When you start seeing these numbers it is a direct message from Source, Universe. They are speaking with you and trying to get your attention. Once you realize this; it is an amazing journey of synchronicities that will have you in a state of awe that you will almost  talk yourself out of it!

 I am here to tell you DO NOT; this is a sign of the beginning of finding your true purpose and that you have chosen the path to your best self. Best Self means the true essence of who you really are, the true soul that lies beneath the skin you are in. 

After experiencing these synchronicities you start to realize nothing is a coincidence. Not the numbers, who’s in your life, the career you have chosen or the people who have been in and out of your life.  All the ups and downs actually needed to happen in order to get us where we are at this very moment. When looking back on your life you think of the pain you’ve gone through, along with the most lucid experiences you’ve had. You begin to see they were all needed. Just as the darkness needs the light. You can’t appreciate one without the other. Think back to the most hardest of times and think to yourself; what did that teach me? Did I learn anything from this? These lessons are crucial for ascension and once realized, it brings a sense of peace to the soul that you never knew you needed or could feel.

These numbers are Magical. I soon came to realize this as these significant numbers started showing up in my everyday life. Everyone has their theory of where these Angelic numbers originated from. Some even have different names for them. Like “Angle Numbers”, which is a term from Billy Carson; A well-known soul from you tube who has his own spiritual channel. Some call them “synchronicities”. I wanted to come up with my own name for them; but personally i think they are Angel numbers so why change that beautifulness. The term Angel numbers just resonates with me. Who else could be sending these Divine Time Messages but the Angels, the Source, the Divine. It is significant because 11:11 truly means “Remembrance”.  It is the activation code for Ascension and your team of spirit guides communicating to you; trying to get you to remember who you are as a soul. Your true essence, your past lives. A positive Indication that you are on the path to Enlightenment. 11:11 is a slight nudge to say you are ready to remember and your spirit guides are trying to contact you.

 Every single number has its very own meaning, almost like its own personality. And its presence influences our lives in different ways.  Today I want to focus on 11:11 or the number 1. Considering its the first number in the numeric table. The number 1 puts power directly in our hands as a symbol of independence, confidence, and new beginnings. The number of creation and the birth of all things.  It pushes us to look at current situations in our lives at the present moment and then realize we have the power to turn them into anything we want. It inspires us to take control and manifest our future.

11 :11 is the coming together of twin souls aka Twin Flames.Twin Flames reuniting after being separated once born into a physical body. Symbolizes the two becoming one. A beautiful feeling and reunion of 2 souls that once experienced, things forever change in the most beautiful way possible. It makes you realize that all you’ve gone through in your life was to get you to where you are at this present moment and wondering what life was like prior to this.  It is your energetic counterpart, someone that shares the exact same soul frequency. I like to call it your soul song that you get to share with your twin. This happens in the most beautiful way you could ever imagine. I am so grateful that I am experiencing this at the present moment. Therefore I’d like to share the first day of my 11:11 Divine Time that had me on a google search that would forever change my life. 

  A day in my life with 11:11.

The days leading up to my Extravaganza of 1:11 and 11:11. It was Randomly showing up here and there.,I would see it a few times a day. Enough to have me noticing. It was like something or someone was trying to get my attention; the day that blew my mind happened just like this. I went to bed and set my alarm for 8:30, i looked at the time and it was 11:11pm. The next day I got in my vehicle and looked at the car clock, it was 11:11am. When i pulled up to who is now my twin flames house it was 12:12. (another powerful number) As i waited in the car for him to come out I noticed my phone was at 11% and my gas tank had 11 miles left to empty. Waiting in the car for him to come out i decided to check my paypal balance , i had 4 deposits go in. Yup you guessed it! The 4 separate deposits were 1.11 EU , 1.11 EU, 1.11 EU and 1.11 EU which brought my current balance to $11.11. I literally stared at the phone with my Jaw dropped and couldn’t wait for him to get in the car to tell him. My intuition was that this was no coincidence. Someone was indeed trying to get my attention. I started researching this and it was exactly what i had thought it was. The Divine sending me synchronicities to guide my path. And make me aware that my Twin flame was in my field. It would happen mostly when we were around each other in the beginning. Then it was like wildfire. It was basically there when i  was in thought , making a decision, loving on someone, or even trying to figure out my next plan of action. There 11:11 was , like a warm hug guiding me in the best direction possible. personally,  i put alot of work in trying to discredit these things before i can come to a Hypothesis. Believe me we tried to discredit it. To only come back to the Truth of it. The truth we knew all along. To get us to “remember”. The truth behind it is that each number has a significance. I’m only speaking of 11:11 today, because it was the beginning of synchronicities that I have now been receiving for the past 3 years. 

Honestly if they dont show up on the random and you are looking for a change in your current life. 

Just Ask. 

I think you will be surprised just how quickly you get your answer. Lol.  Ask. Get there in heart/feeling. Be grateful and ready to receive and trust your intuition. I find journaling about your experiences is amazing. You get to reflect back on the entries you have previously made and see your spiritual growth as a soul and human being. 

If your not sure how to ask i can give you an example:

I usually say something like Dear Universe, Could you please guide me with synchronicities so i  can self heal and find my true essence and purpose  in this human experience. I am grateful for your guidance. (i usually repeat it 3x) or enter in journal 3x.

If you start seeing the number 1. 1:11 or 11;11 ; you are ready for the journey of a lifetime. Trust it. Trust the Universe, and things will start to flow in a way that is not left to chance. Its in your hands. Harness that power and see the true goddess /god you truly are.

Uni-verse = one-song 

Old Souls that inspire me and resonate with number  11:11 

*Donny Arcade song: The universe is tryin’ to text me ( a must listen)

*Cassidy Cane : An 11:11 Master of Twin flames www.twinflames1111.com amazing meditations and blog

*Angel Numbers 11:11 APP (best thing that will happen to you this week) lol

New Vibes


Fr33sol is a beautiful, bright soul that communicates the truth of heart through his music. Crafting deep perspective artistically that only comes from experience. Flexing his spiritual maturity. Giving a new face to what it means to be a highly evolved human. Sharing the experience and realizations of his personal Journey, a journey one day everyone will know, he carries a Grace and light that is unique and powerful. The balance he has found in life reflects in the way he crafts his lyrics and music. He speaks to the Deep inner and outer truths of life. Really honing in on the sweet spot, balancing conscious depth with a grounded peaceful swag of confidence you only find from doing the real work within self. Usually music with deep lyrics lose their upbeat energetic quality and the upbeat energetic music doesn't have the lyrical depth. It's the balance that few find but All will try for. His wife Lavva is an equally beautiful and Powerful energy whose lyrics and music reflect a unique and Powerful balance of mind and heart that's hard to find. Both the individual styles of expression are elegant and powerful. When brought together they give new meaning to what it means to do it right. Blazing the way and leading the way forward, while doing it with grace. Raising the bar in the right ways for all of us. Anyone looking to know what it means to do it right needs to check out fr33sol and Lavva. Two artists every playlist should have!

Check Out His music in The LINK https://genius.com/artists/Fr33sol