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THE KEY To Visualization



Unique Techniques and Information To Strengthen Your Visual Imagination | What Movies Provide Great Visual Imaginary Content | How to Know When You Have Made a Real Connection When Visualizing | Remote Viewing | What Details Matter When Building on Your Visualizations | When is it Ok To Unrelate Visual Content From it's Origin | Step by Step Exercises | Connect to Earth's Core, Clear and Balance your Chakras | Ground & Elevate your Energy Using Rotation | Using Sage & Rotation To Clear Your Space


Learning How To Visualize Is Your Key To The Infinite Worlds Of Consciousness. Visualization Can Be A Great Tool To Help Develop A Deeper Inner Awareness of yourself, Your Imagination And Your Creativity. you will learn the Difference Between Belief Your Imagination And True Conscious Creation and Connection. The Journey Of These Perspectives Will give You The Necessary Tools Needed In Developing Good Habits Of Visualization Necessary To Truly Manifest & Remote View. It Will Touch Briefly On Deeper Concepts Available On Our Paid Blog in ways Such as learning how To Spot When Your Mind is Relating Feelings That Are Not Coming From Your Physical Location But The Location of your Emotional Body. You’ll Learn How To Center and Control These fields of Energy Inside You, and Around You and Responsibly Use them to Align Yourself With Your True Soul’s Purpose and Destiny. This And Much More Is Ahead Of You On The KEY To Visualization On The ARCANE Blog


Movies Allow You To Connect With The Great Visual Creators Of Our Time. What You Take In Visually On a Regular Basis Makes A Difference In The Way You Perceive Life. Movies With Great Imaginary Content Give you Mental Material To Pull Inspiration From When Visually Creating Yourself. To Be One Of The Best You Need To Spend Time With The Best. MARVEL Movies In My Opinion and English Movies are Some Of The Best Visual Imaginary Creators In The World. Spend Time Watching These Movies While Working On The Development Of Your Visualization Techniques.

Creating Connection

There are Many Different Mental Ways to Bring Connection To the Light Within You And use it For Healing, Grounding and Development. I’ve Tried Many Different mental Visualization Techniques. what i find most interesting is some ways i find work better than others. i question in myself how i know what better is between different feelings even when the object of the visualization remains the same. for example, if you wanted to ground your energy, one way would be to visualize yourself as a silhouette of light then picture the light coming down through your feet into the earth and connecting to the light in the center of the Earth another way to ground your energy into Earth would be to visualize roots of a tree coming out of your feet and anchoring you and your energy into the soil both allowing you to connect and feel earth both are just helping you to do the same thing, but why does the feeling of earth change with different techniques. then ask yourself what technique do you feel was more effective for the intention of your connection? try connecting into the same technique of visualization with different intentions as well as use a single intention with more than one technique to give yourself a point of comparison between technique and intention. this can help you learn more about yourself as a individual.

i find that there is a difference that you can feel when using different mental visualizations under the same intention that is not created through the visual itself or its efficiency in creating belief within you but something more fundamental and literal. i believe that sometimes why i feel more drawn towards one technique over another is something personal to me that takes me understanding myself in a deeper way. other times i feel the draw is a result of collective energy and that it’s simply because more people have connected into that same practice of visualization with a similar intention and my draw is the fundamental draw in all our spirits to each other. like being drawn to a village in the mountains you didn’t know was there your heart leads you where others are. sometimes it’s the specific resonance showing who you are other times it’s resonance in general in a proportional way. always remeber to try and see things equally no matter what reason is given to you that says otherwise, that is a challenge of perspective that is a great practice to keep.

here are some of the techniques i find to work best but always try others for this reason.

Grounding Exercises

Connecting to Earths Core

I feel That Standing Up Is a Better Position for this practice.

Start With Deep Breaths in through your Nose out through your Mouth While you Still Your Mind and prepare your awareness and focus it on Light Within you at the level of your solar Plexus. Begin to Visualize your breath coming up from the lower abdomen on your inhale and reaching this light beneath your rib cage at the solar plexus. as you inhale and come up with your breath begin to tighten the muscles in your upper chest cavity above the light.

you are getting ready to grab hold of that light and push it downwards. visualize the light while watching your breath come up from the abdomen and meet it while keeping your muscles tight above the light begin to force it downwards with your breath and muscles: exhale slowly to keep the lights downward progress and direction within the control of the breath. begin to visualize it come out the bottoms of your feet penetrating the earth (be detailed as you can be with what’s around you) grass or cement that is under your position literally see the light pass through the mantle portion of the earth and as it comes into the core notice the pressure open up like coming into a open cavity of light, direct the light into the center of this space.

you should have reached this distance on a single exhale now seeing the light of the core begin to pull that light back up with your inhale, through earth, the ground and your feet bringing the light up into your body past the solar plexus up to the top of your crown at the tip of you inhale (all of this visualization and experience on a single exhale and inhale) still at the Crown let go of the breath letting the light gently fall into and fill the cavity of your body spreading the light from the earths core throughout you. feel its gentle strength giving you what you need the light knows. see the glowing silhouette of yourself from this Light.

take three breaths like this with the light all throughout you and on your fourth Breath repeat the process, Harness the light at the solar plexus to connect with the light at Earth’s Core, come up from your abdomen with your breath meeting the light it at the solar plexus the Light Now Brighter and clearer like crystal clear water tightening the muscles around it and driving it back down into earth with the downward push of you abdominal muscles in sequence with your visual and breath.

clearing your energetic field and space

before i start any meditation i like to clear the space i am meditating in and also clear the energetic body of any negative Energies. first i start with clearing the room i’m meditating in.

Sage & 417Hz Solfeggio frequencies.

White Sage With Red Eucalyptus is a Strong Combination

first i put on the 417 Frequency and then Light sage and move it clockwise 3x at each window in the room, and also any entrances to the room 3x. then in a circular motion, i go around the entire room i am in. then in circular motions around my head 3x , then hold sage in front of me, and in Circular motions starting at my face and down the entire body 3x, then hold it in front of me while envisioning myself within a golden Triangle.

fact: Counterclockwise rotation Grounds energy; Clockwise rotation Elevates energy.

Example: use this practically if the energy of the room is to elevated cause you just had a party and you would like to clear and settle the energy of the room use the sage in counterclockwise rotation as you walk throughout the space, if you are having a party later that night and clearing the space for openness and a good time then use sage in a clockwise rotation. this will clear out the thoughts in the space leaving it open for thought uninfluenced and bring an uplifted spirit to the energy of the conversation that will take place later that night.

Note: The energy of our thoughts and emotions stay in the spaces we have them in.

After Clearing you Space put the sage in holder and let it burn throughout the rest of clearing myself duing the meditation. This way i know i am protected and cleared of any negative energies while i am in a meditative state. you want to feel safe and protected during any form of meditation. Then i rub my hands together for 33 seconds.

Fact: Numbers are in resonance with different emotional energies created through collective thought over spiritual history. understanding the cultural relation and scientific perspective (angle and proportion) of the significance of certain numbers can help you see their energetic influence accurately allowing you to use this understandings to build you personal meditative practices.

pull your hands apart from one another and you should feel the energy pull in your hands, i like to think of it as an energy ball. once you feel this, take your right hand and swipe it down your left arm 3x and then with your right arm swipe down the left arm 3x then with both hands swipe down your chest 3x then with both hands swipe down the legs and throw it outside the triangle of protection you have already made. (i feel goosebumps usually, telling me that the clearing is working, or even a slight chill will come over the body) then the 417 frequency will take care of the rest! you are now cleared of any negative energies and are ready for your meditation.

You can also use a cleansing prayer. i will share one i use below. i usually use this prayer when i wake in the morning and before i go to bed at night. Truly you can use this prayer whenever you feel any negative thoughts come into your mind throughout the day or just feel any sort of negative energy around you.

You want to say the prayer with full intent, speaking from your heart. really feel into the prayer as you say it aloud.

cleansing prayer

i am now choosing to cleanse myself and release any and all thought forms, beings, situations, and energies that are no longer serving my higher good across all planes of my Existence, Across all universes, all lifetimes. i ask all energies that are less than love be transmuted for the highest good of all.

so it is.