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THE KEY to Connecting to The Spiritual Energy of The Planets



Feeling Into Space | Learn to Emotionally Connect to the Fundamental Energies of Our Planets

Feeling Into Space

I wrote this looking to give a different perspective of what we consider to be the truths of the planets. a sight that can be applied to all things. i meditatively examined the quality of my feelings while in thought on different planets, i noticed my feelings change, as i understood what was happening i realized this is a more accurate way for us to compare and share information. are the feelings we get similar, do we choose to describe through words similarly? Are we influencing ourselves or each other while pulling the information from our feelings? or are we connecting to the energy of real objects in a fundamental way?

the better we can put our feelings into words the better we can begin to see what’s really around us!


the Planets of our Solar System are in constant interaction with us. Every Planet has its own energy. each planet’s distinct energy interacts with us differently. there are three main energies that have made up everything within the known universe this energy separates itself into its separate qualities. these qualities are the angles around the center. this is a repeated process through the universe at the biggest and smallest of levels creating everything we know. we ourselves are no different we are centers of this beautiful ancient energy with are own qualities and personality created by are outward and inward angles. these angles are created through the perspectives we choose to use for thought. which gives the meaning to our words. its not the words themselves it’s where we say them from. Planets are no different all of them have their own qualities of influence but where they are in relation to us, meaning what angle to us they are currently also has fundamental influence created through the angle itself. a word a planet or a person all centers of energy, angles change how we interact. the angle is the point of connection between two centers. simply taking perspective on a planet aligns your energy literally with the actual planet connecting through the angle of your perspective.

each one of the nine planets have their own energy qualities that create their personality.

their size, shape, distance to us, angle to us all affect who they are to us and how we are influenced by them. they themselves are conscious and aware of themselves all the same as us and should be looked at as such.

connecting our thoughts to them allows us to experience them through our feelings and understanding what those feelings say allows us to properly receive them in connection for who they are and in turn they see us.

The 9 Planets and how I know them

when I connect with the thought of a planet the information i connect with is determined by my own fundamental angle of perspective given at birth based off the angle of the sun at my time of birth that’s why the bigger picture of true sight only comes through all of us. when i connect with the planets the feelings I receive are influenced by everything that makes up THE planets in composition, gasses, temperatures, its size, and the energy of our thoughts throughout all add and create the beautiful ancient energies of the planets we so deeply know!


when in thought of mercury my feelings speak to me with great energY OF ancient Greece. alot of the planets do. this is created through the energy of the strong thoughts of the people of ancient greece, that energy still remains today. the energy of our thoughts remain on anything we place them on until we ourselves or someone else thinks with higher value ON the OBJECT, then that thought will remain. it’s a system of progression within the energy. so even with everything we know nowadays for the thought energy of the ancient Greeks to still remain on the planets shows they emotionalized thought of greater value on the planets then even we have been able to, to date. energy works in a system of progression a thoughts value, meaning the thoughts feeling will remain on everything we think on untill someone come along and thinks with more meaning behind there thought, then that thoughts energy will remain and so on, on everything building a world of greater meaning. all energy is conscious including the enrgy of words planets ext. everything. just like if someone thinks on us with truth we let more in, further allowing ourselves to see ourselves, if someone thinks on you with untruth you resist the connection and less of the information that’s actually their gets received on the opposite side. just like citys carry feelings from times past so do the planets. i Also have feelings that speak in color of light bright but soft shades of blue that speak with THE feeling of expansion (feeling like standing in a open field). i also experienced a slight metallic taste while in emotional thought of mercury. my thought say it’s the high gas content?


venus like most planets has a feeling added to it created by the POWERFUL thoughts of the ancient Greeks. venus has a feminine energy. i believe that the rotation of the planets determines its quality in this way. meaning a planet that spins counterclockwise identifies with a feminine presence in feeling and planets that spin clockwise identify with a masculine presence. venus also creates mental shades of pink that stream off a powerful feeling of love.


the energy of earth is enchanted by the energy of our life, feeling like the passion in our hearts collectively added to it’s life essence. Earth-like venus spins counterclockwise which gives it its gentle motherly FEMININE presence of warmth and security. there’s a quality of feeling of responsibility, this comes i would assume from the conscious energy of earth taking great responsibility for the life upon it. always gently speaking and supporting us. Earths Water Brings feelings Of Expansion thats Energy Supports All our endeavors


Mars Has A strong feeling of independence that’s similar to what you experience in the presence of a strong leader. i also felt a personal protective strength that felt like an unjudgemental resistance coming from its leadership quality. mars is greatly influenced from its deep color that embodies its identity, this feeling quality gets more powerful towards its center. there is a feeling i get of pride thats part of mars but the feeling seem separate from that of the planet’s conscious energy, saying to me there was intelligent life with society and pride in themselves that once lived on the planet. it’s the only way this quality of feeling could be present. there a content feeling that also seems to come from the life that must of once lived on Mars saying that whatever happened they are in peace. those qualities brew together creating a separate feeling of wonder that flows beneath its surface. like a great secret it’s holding back until it feels ready to share it with us!


Jupiter has a Bright powerful White Glow Speaking with a quality of warmth. like mercury, when in connection with Jupiter I also Sense a metallic taste in my mouth. it’s not as strong as the metallic taste i experienced from mercury but the feeling directs towards the gasses. The planet Jupiter having a larger gas content but experiencing the metallic taste connected to the gasses in a lighter less intense way must come down to the type of gasses on mercury being higher in metals. Jupiter's size stands out. you can feel the size of Jupiter proportionally to the other planets. Jupiter's energy carries huge feelings of expansion.


When i Connect with Saturn i am greatly influenced by its colors. light yellows creating golden hues with black swirls of depth in the middle have a unique mysterious feeling like the feeling when your about to learn something interesting you never have but your heart pulls to know. Saturn’s gasses can also be sensed in connection lightly, i did not get a metallic taste like i had with mercury and Jupiter. Saturn feels like a wise friend that wants to responsibly teach you it’s secrets. Its rings add to its uniqueness and make it a powerful friend that’s always open to help. this information comes from a feeling that you experience when thinking of someone you can count on.


Uranus has a feeling that’s similar to the feeling of a large ocean with depth but points to the gas of the planet. at the end of that feeling there’s a quality that says crystal clarity, like an extra descriptor to the quality of water. There’s also a quality of youth with Uranus. the other planets seem to have a more grandfather quality such as Jupiter, when Uranus feels like a younger member of the family but eager to Listen and learn. Uranus has a great glow of support carried in its gentle but powerful blue light. there’s upward movement in the energy that flows out the top of the planet? There’s a feeling that Uranus is a good listener. the gentle Listener Uranus teaches us how to respect each other space energetically. this respect i give, and i don’t push my connection further. respectful and strong Uranus has many qualities yet to be discovered.


The connection i had with neptune had the most eye opening information of all. Neptune identifies with a feminine presence but rotates clockwise which should give it a masculine identity in feeling. i’ve discovered that the rotation of a planet creates either a feminine or masculine identity in feeling. (clockwise= masculine) (feminine= counterclockwise). Neptune rotates clockwise but it identifies as a female presence making me realize why some of us do. meaning it’s fundamentally masculine but expresses its energy as feminine. this is beautiful and natural. these patterns and movements of energy from the planets are natural within our world and all of us. This Pattern of energy which is natural within the universe shows us why some men identify with feminine energy. this is a more natural part of our universe than we ever could have imagined. Neptune also speaks of maturity and leadership through its deep blue color.

next article:

how rings bring us closer in connection

The Power of Connection

Finger Rings and how we wear them creates a connection to the planets and their power.

thanks for reading please Share What you have felt while in thought on Our Planets. together we can see/feel the bigger picture and all of its Truths!