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THE KEY to Understanding Dreams



The Unique Consistencies Found in All Our Dreams | Dream Gateways Found 3 Days before and after Full and New Moons | Why The Visual Perspective of your Dream Has Meaning | Perspective Outside Yourself, Perspective Behind Your Eyes | Emotional Energy Dreams vs. Mental Energy Dreams | Moon Zodiac Characteristics Found Within The Moments of Dreams Through Symbolism | The Ying Yang Concept of Polarities Found Between New and Full MOONS

Dreams are a space of consciousness that is influenced from emotional energies and mental energy but the space the dreams take place in most often is The space of mental energy consciousness. There is a difference to the feeling of dreams that take place within the emotional energy Space as opposed to mental energy space. dreams that carry great feeling can be understood as emotional energy dreams. Mental energy dreams have a lighter wider and more expansive feeling to the perspective you see the dream from behind yourself or from above yourself. noticing where you are seeing from can help you understand this further are you taking perspective over your shoulder watching yourself or are you behind your eyes within yourself. it doesn’t always work this way but a good thing to notice and be aware of. taking perspective outside yourself seeing your body from a perspective behind yourself i believe are more times than not mental space your dreaming within and when within yourself behind your eyes emotional space. Emotional space is greatly influenced by mental energy in and around us and mental space is greatly influenced from emotional energy in and around us. the mind will find ways to represent these emotional energies of the heart to you and the heart will find ways to represent the energies of mind to you. Dreams Can be created by both perspectives it’s our job to discover what is being said to us. alot of times the scenerio in the dream may look simply understood but always try to ask yourself how could this have a deeper meaning, you must be open and honest with yourself and look back to childhood or as far as you can remember to relate a dream’s meaning. once you think you have discovered the deeper meaning of a dream don’t just relate it to your present age and life relate it back to childhood and see if anything resonates. Always ask yourself where do these perspectives or feelings of my dream come from think back into your life as far as you can Remember a Similar Experience. to understand our dreams we need to take a look at them through these perspectives rationally and symbolically and see how it may relate to us further. the more we break down the Feelings and Sceneios of our dreams and trust the answers of our intuition the more we are able to see other outside influences within them. such as The MOON.

what affects our Dreams

full mooN Dreams = New MooN Dreams

Dreams around the full moon i notice change in feeling within me. i started to pay close attention to this and realized that three days before a full moon i enter into a different dream space than the rest of the month. the dreams feel very real and are more vivid emotionally They Also Have a Particular Feeling To Them I believe this is when we are in emotional space rather than mental space like two different places dreams can take place in. just like in life if you go to a different park as opposed to another it feels different even when you play the same game. I believe We enter into this Space through the influence of the moon. the Moon Radites the horizontal Wave of the sunlight. Horizontal Wave energy is Heart Energy. trying to see a pattern i noticed that These Dreams would take place 3 days before approaching the full moon or 3 days before approaching the New Moon Sometimes it will happen to me three days prior but it’s usually before. You Would Think That The day of the New Moon Or Full Moon Would Be The Peak Of The Energy Hence the experience but The Three Day Threshold seems to be some sort of Doorway into this Sacred Space That We Connect With within Dreams. what does that mean? i have a theory, watching not only the full moon but the new moon i notice the same pattern three days before a new moon my dreams are different the same way the full moon dreams feel “ it’s in the overall feeling of the Dream.” I started paying close attention to these dreams that stood out and tried to see a further pattern.

what i notice during the new moon dreams is that The overall Scenrio and feelings within me within the dream from the context of the scenario show me where my beliefs mentally lack in a way i’ve always knew they have and thus my emotional perspective does as well.

The full moon dreams show me my beliefs that are strong. i believe that within a month there is an opportunity to go full circle with what your shown through dreams. a pattern that shows balance. The full Moon Dreams give you the very Perspective you have of yourself that is the Answer to see yourself in the way your shown you dont see yourself during new moon dreams. Showing you Specifically how to Heal Your Perspective and Your Reality That those perspectives Affect. You Have Wanted to See yourself in Life in Particular Ways of Success and the answer to that perspective is Healing yourself in the ways the moon Shows you first. Ask The Universe And You Will Recieve you just needed to know how to look. the full moon dreams strong outward perspectives your shown of yourself can be used to bring emotional balance to your inward beliefs of yourself. that your shown surrounding the new moon.

full moon and new moons are under different zodiac signs the attributes of the Specific zodiac sign that moon is in relates to the Type of beliefs within you that are shown to you during those moon Dreams. writing down these dreams And The Opposite Polarity of these Perspective Believes you Shown within the month Approaching the new and full moons While Connecting Those Style of Beliefs to The Zodiac Sign Of The Moon For That Month Can Open up A bigger picture Within The Year Of a Message The Universe Has For You. Solving This Sacred Puzzle of the Moon Helps Us Unlock The Sacred Puzzle of Ourselves. I believe The Doorway To The Akashic Records Is Through The Moon This Is a Real Way We Can Look To Possibly Find That KEY.

Within Numerology, Zodiac Sign, Moon Phase and the angles of relation are Secrets Undiscovered!

This Chart Is A Example it is not A relevant to the present Arrangement.

“let the stars brighten the path to your dreams; for the stars speak only the truth”

Dreams sometimes set the Mood for your entire day. They can seem so real as if they were happening real time. You can wake up angry, Happy or even sad. The good thing is, it was just a dream. From my perspective and logging my dreams nightly (even the nights i wake up not remembering them) what i have come to notice is the ones I remember that are so Vivid and descriptive right down to the color or non-colors that are in the dreams.

I feel these dreams can be past life experiences, actually being on different planes of Consciousness or Messages for present day life. While the ones i can remember partially or not at all are the Unconscious desires; something I’m thinking of just before i fall asleep, or maybe helping my brain process information that i have gathered throughout the day.

Messages for Present-Day life

These dreams usually have no relation to anything that has happened throughout the day. Usually bizarre, something like being in a castle where you can’t stand but only crawl through this huge castle with strange obstacles in your way. Like clothes racks, huge piles of sand, or water rising. Something like this could suggest you have many projects in front of you and none of them are getting done. Focus, Relax. finish one project before you start another and things won’t be so scattered. This to me is some sort of message; trying to give you some sort of information to help you understand certain things that are happening in your present-Day life. These dreams are usually you Watching yourself in the dream, like you are looking at your actual body, like watching yourself in a movie. You are watching yourself act out these Scenarios in the dream.

Outside Perspective | inside perspective

Past Life Experiences

These dreams stand out from any other dreams. i wake up remembering the colors of the clothes right down to the eye color of the people in the dreams. They consist of a love that is so amazing it’s out of my control and a deep dark Sadness that hurts the entire day. So vivid that i wake up crying, yelling or laughing. The clothing worn is of the time during that Era. One recent dream I had on a bonet and clothing from the early 1700s. I’ve always loved the energy of the clothing and nostalgia from this era which would explain my connection to it. to me these dreams are so emotional. i feel the emotion in the dreams so strongly that when i wake its hard for me to get back to sleep.

Different planes of Consciousness

These dreams are usually seen through your own eyes in the dream. like you are not watching yourself in the dream. it’s you playing you but your actual body isn’t seen in the dream. Make sense? in all the other dreams i notice i am watching my physical body. i know this sounds strange but in the logs of my dreams, i realized i write this every time I seem to be on another plane of existence. These dreams are usually with people either i know or do not know. nothing in these dreams has ever happened previously ( that i recollect) lol. and they are not as bizarre as the others; they are usually normal experiences with happiness and sadness, and sometimes a love is felt that supreseeds any kind of love known to existence.

Emotional Dream Perspective

Journaling about your dreams or keeping a log of them is a great way to analyze your dreams. It’s also fun to go back and read them; especially the ones when your half asleep. ha! What I have also noticed is that when I have nightmares of super scary creatures or monsters i draw them so i can see if they are ever similar or if they existed in ancient times or what not, but what I noticed is when i go back and look at the drawing after that terrifying dream of this 3 legged Beast chasing me. Well, the drawing makes him so much less scary!! ahah. TRUTH. i suggest this especially if you have children and they are terrified of a monster in their dream, have them draw it. Tell them you want to see what it looked like and then once they are done you can say well now he Doesn’t look so scary now does he/she?

REM (rapid Eye Movement) dreams / sleep Paralysis

As scary as this sleep may be. it’s actually the sweet spot of dreaming. it would scare the shit out of me! it happened to me so much that i analyzed and researched this to the fullest extent. These are our most vivid dreams, which happens in short episodes throughout the night about 90-120 minutes apart. Your muscles actually become paralyzed to prevent you from acting out your dreams. it is also the state you need to get to experience Astral-Projection. your breathing becomes more rapid, irregular, and shallow, your eyes jerk rapidly in various directions, and limb muscles become Temporarily paralyzed. Your Heart rate increases blood pressure Rises and males develop penile erections. This stage accounts for 20-25 percent of total sleep time and affects about 20% of the population. When people awaken and are fully Conscious this can be quite scary as you realize your paralyzed. i experienced this so much that i was afraid to go to sleep. after years of this, i figured out a way to calm myself realizing if i just let go of trying to wake myself 1. it will stop. and 2. the dream state you are in produces such vivid and amazing dreams. Some people report that they have dreams that are scary like a demon sitting on Their chest, this has happened to me several times but i’ve also has beautiful blissful dreams as well.

Cool Facts about dreams

  • the first written mention of a dream dates from 3500BC

  • ancient Mesopotamians when terrified of their dreams used to describe their nightmares to dirt clods (Dirt Pies) and then Toss them into a river; believing this would make the nightmare go away.

  • each dream lasts between 5 to 20 minutes.

  • We may not remember dreaming, but everyone is thought to dream between 3 and 6 times per night.

  • blind people dream more with other sensory components compared with sighted people.

  • Most of your muscles become paralyzed during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep to prevent you from acting out your dreams.

  • 12% of people only dream in black & white